Luxury Runner Carpet for Stairs and Hall.

Luxury Runner Carpet for Stairs and Hall.




Are you looking for a way to transform your hallway or stairs? If so, you have probably noticed that it is quite difficult to decorate this area without spending a lot of money.


However, did you know that a luxury carpet runner can take your drab and boring hallway or stairs and transform it into something quite beautiful?


This article will look at just a few of the reasons you should consider having a luxury runner carpet in your hall or on your staircase:



Carpet improves the acoustics in the area.

The larger your home and its rooms, the more problems you are likely to have with the acoustics.


Large areas in the home with hard surfaces, such as wood or tile floor, can cause echoing and increase the sound level of footsteps, voices and other noises.


This can make your home feel cold, unwelcoming and harsh, something you're definitely do not want your house to be.



Carpet Runners are Excellent Solutions

An excellent solution to improving the acoustics in a specific area is to use an area rug or carpet runner. Carpet is a wonderful way to help absorb sound more effectively and create a more homely feel in your house.


Luxury carpet is even better at improving the acoustics as the fibers are longer, thicker and better quality. They therefore absorb any sound very well and help this area to have a soft and comforting feel.


Many staircases (especially older, wooden ones) creak when someone walks on them and this can be annoying if the household is trying to sleep, study, work or if you have a baby in the home.



A staircase runner carpet is the ideal solution as it softens footsteps on the stairs and helps prevent creaking sounds.


A luxury carpet runner gives a great first impression.

When you have a visitor to your home, the first impression they have of your home is when they first enter the house.


Most entrance halls are quite boring and uninspiring, and this doesn’t help to create a good first impression.


A premium quality, luxury carpet runner in your entrance hall can help you too


Carpet runners create harmony in the home.

Do you have a general decorating theme running through your home? Here at Direct Carpet, we fully understand how tricky it can be to extend your home decor to every aspect of your home.


It is for this reason that we have a hand-selected collection of premium quality carpet runners to perfectly match and complement your home’s current decor theme.


For instance, if your home decor is contemporary  Direct Carpet recommends selecting a Carpet Runner that features modern patterns and colors so that your home’s interior look is enhanced.


Having a carpet runner in your entrance hall or staircase is a great way of linking your home’s decor and this can create a wonderful sense of harmony in the home.

Stair Runner with Landing



As you can see from the above, having a luxury carpet runner for your stairs or in your entrance hall can do wonders for your home.


From improving your home’s acoustics, creating harmony to helping the home transform into a comfortable place to relax, luxury carpet runners are real miracle workers.


If you want to enhance your home with a luxury carpet runner, browse DirectCarpet’s exclusive range of Stair Runners & carpeting products.

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You can either order online here or visit us in store. Either way, we would love to be of assistance to you and can offer you great advice on the best carpeting solutions for your home.


Not sure which carpet runner you should select? Send us a message here and we will give you some expert advice!


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