6 x 9 Area Rugs What are they good for & Where to use Them!
One of the Most Popular Sizes is a 6 x 9
 6 by 9 Rugs Can Be Used in Large or Small living rooms. It's a Great Size for Indoor and Perfect for an Outdoor Patio!

Is a 6 x 9 rug too small for the living room?
6x9 rugs are ideal for rooms 12 x 13 or smaller. 6 x 9-foot area rugs can be placed beneath a coffee table in a small room or in front of an open fireplace with several comfortable chairs that sit entirely underneath.

Should Underlay be the exact same size as the 6x9 rug?
The Under Pad should be a little smaller on each end of your rugs so that it gives the Area Carpet a Gradual Slope and Flow towards the floor /If the dimensions are 8 x 10 the pad size is 7 10 inches x 9 10 inches.
: A good rule of thumb is pad should be one inch less all around!

What is the recommended thickness of the Area rug pad?
Rug pads should not exceed 1/2 inch in thickness. The thick carpet pad increases height and this can lead to various issues such as tripping and falling also the thicker the pad the more your furniture will indent into the carpet. Watch out for Pile Height as well!
What size pad should I get for my 6x9 Area rugs?
Pads should be about 1 to 2 inches smaller on all sides of every part of the Area rug so there are no peaks and corners. For a 9x12 carpet, an 8'11"x11. 11" pad would be best.
Should you use an Underlay on hardwood floors?
Underlay Protects Hardwood Flooring. Look at the floor underneath your Carpet. When we walk around the flooring, this material is put in the wood or rubs back and forth and can't cause scratches. Carpet padding serves as a protective barrier and sound dampener between carpet and hardwood.
What are standard Area rug sizes?
Standard Size Carpets. 2x3/5x7/6x9/8x8/10x10/12x12/
And the list goes on, Really Whatever size you need is the right size for your area rugs!

Area Rugs are Great, they Help Make a Room a Home and Help Dampen Sound, and Quiet an Echo-type room, and any size you need can be purchased at your price point. There are no wrong sizes and if you're looking for a custom-sized rug, try shopping  a few different places where Carpet is sold like a local store, and look for deals! If you're a customer Shopping online and they don't have free shipping, just pick a related item, add to cart, add your address, this will show the results of what the price is for shipping and delivery. Shipping can be a doozy! (9 Ft area rugs)
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Looking to Stop your Area Carpet from Moving Here is a Link to a Great Article, https://directcarpet.com/blogs/blog/6-amazing-tips-to-stop-carpet-runners-from-moving
6x9 rug in cm
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6x9 Rug Example
6x9 Rug Size Comparison
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